I keep cards of all shapes and sizes for all occasions. It’s the only thing I hoard. I like the thought of well wishes and seeing reminders that I am loved and thought about. However over the years they’ve begun to take up space- something I don’t have too much of.
I have probably over a hundred cards from my wedding and wedding reception. Those I keep in a box. When I had my baby shower and baby, I got a ton of cards again. I wanted a way to keep my cards pretty and organized but I didn’t want to waste storage space, so i decided to turn them into a display piece.
I came across a DIY card book on Pinterest. It was pretty and would make a nice decoration piece that I could display. Like I stated before, I had too many cards from around my wedding so keep those in a box and I’d need at least 3-4 books to get them all together. I had much less cards with my son, so I decided to make a card book out of his.
Here's my version of it. I didn't add initials or anything. I was contemplating adding it by hand because I didn't want to waste a sheet or two of expensive glitter letters if the rest wasn't going to be used anytime in the near future. But I decided against it because my penmanship would ruin the whole thing. So I left it blank and thats how I like it.
I didn’t follow the instructions to a T and I do not have bow to keep the book closed, but I do love the results! I like the touch with the rhinestones. It also didn't take my very long at all once I had everything and actually sat down to do it. I’ll be putting this in his room somewhere.